Work efficiently with your fleet

vyzkoušet aplikaci
The current location of the machines and the historical trajectory of the movements
Automatic recognition of attachment, driver and machine
Automatic records of work done
Identification of work on someone else's land

Co dělal řidič na poli?

Hnojil, sel nebo aplikoval postřiky? Na jaké výměře? S jakým přípojným zařízením?

Záznamy o hnojení, či setí nebo aplikace chemických postřiků pro ochranu rostlin se automaticky propíší do agroevidence.

Telematika pro zemědělce benefity CleverFarm

Pracoval řidič / stroj na Vaší parcele?

V aplikaci jednoduše zjistíte, zda-li jsou pojezdy z Vašich nebo cizích parcel. Cizí parcela nebo-li službařdské práce se automaticky zobrazí ve žlutém rámečku.

Přípojná zařízení

Přípojná zařízení se automaticky spárují s agroevidenčními záznamy. Šířka přípojného zařízení Vám spočítá celkovou plochu operace.

What was the driver doing in the field?

Did he fertilize, sow or apply sprays? To what extent? Which implement?

Records of fertilizing, sowing or application of chemical sprays for plant protection are automatically written into the agro-records.

Did the driver / machine work on your lot?

In the application, you can easily find out whether the rides are from your or someone else's parcels. A foreign parcel or service work is automatically displayed in a yellow frame.

Connecting devices

Connecting devices are automatically paired with agro-evidence records. The width of the connecting device calculates the total area of ​​the operation for you.

Telematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarmTelematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarmTelematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarm

Keep track of what's happening on the field

What was the driver doing in the field?
Did he fertilize, sow or apply sprays?To what extent? With what connection device?
Records of fertilizing, sowing or application of chemical sprays for plant protection are automatically written into the agro-records.
Telematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarm

Aggregation of rides

Telematika pro zemědělce CleverFarm
So that you don't get lost in that amount of data
Each crossing, lot work or driver record is aggregated into one record.

However, you can view the rides separately.

Why telematics from CleverFarm?

Telematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarmTelematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarmTelematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarm
01 Fast data transfer and processing
02 Complexity
03 Saved into farm management records

Proč telematiku od CleverFarm?

01 Rychlost přenosu dat
02 Komplexnost
03 Napojení na agroevidenci
Telematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarmTelematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarmTelematics for agriculture benefits CleverFarm

CleverFarm telematics in 5 minutes

Start Telematics with CleverFarm engines

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