By implementing CleverIrrigation into existing or new irrigation systems you are able to set irrigation plans based on real-time condition and irrigate optimized way in all types of irrigation such as drip irrigation, pivot irrigation or sprinklers.
Irrigation plans in the CleverFarm platform are set based on actual conditions. Irrigation can also be started and stopped in real-time. All this remotely on a PC, tablet or mobile phone.
Set any conditions you want to be notified about in CleverFarm platform. As soon as the value exceeds condition defined by you, we will send you email automatically. You can also set the frequency of notification.
More about this function in this video >>The high-quality wireless weather station from Barani Design will provide meteorological data with accuracy according to the standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The complete weather station provides an overview of meteorological conditions and historical data, which is stored in the application- including data from previous years.
Measures soil moisture and temperature. The sensor will help you optimize irrigation and determine the appropriate sowing time.
Central irrigation controls allows SWITCHING irrigation on and off from home or office. Everything is controlled remotely in the application, where you can create irrigation plans or control irrigation manually.
The whole optimization solution saves water and energy by up to 50 % according to our examples so far.
Thanks to the precise dosing of water according conditions in the air and in the soil, turf gets the best quality and your crops the highest yield.
You do not have to travel around all your irrigated areas. All is set remotely in your PC, mobile phone or tablet.
Save water and energy means work more sustainable than before. You can easily meet your ESG and green deal requirements.
Intelligent irrigation of orchards in Chile. CleverFarm solution helps farmers in Chile to optimize their inputs such as water and energy with great results.
‚‚When I saw the cost of the sensors, I was a little hesitant because the price is not the lowest. However, in one summer season, the cost of the sensors returned to me in the form of saved water, energy and labor.’’
„We no longer have to physically go inspect the lawn and soil to check its conditions. Every 30 minutes the sensors send all of the relevant measurements directly to our cell phones. All the data is in one application, which is a major advantage over its competitors.”
Kvalita trávnika je pre obyvateľov mesta nevyhnutná. Často sa však zavlažuje pitnou vodou a závlahy sa púšťajú bez informácie o nasýtenosti pôdy vodou. Aj tu meriame vlhkosť a teplotu pôdy a vzduchu, dažďové zrážky a vietor.
Niektoré krajiny regiónu sa stretávajú s dlhodobým nedostatok vody. Poľnohospodárstvo v Čile je takmer celé pod závlahou a vláda vydáva poľnohospodárom kvóty na maximálne množstvo vody, ktoré môžu zo zavlažovacích kanálov odčerpať.
Závlahové systémy sú pre golfové ihriská významným prvkom pre udržanie kvalitného trávnika. Optimalizácia spotreby vody je však potrebná. Inštalujeme monitorovaciu časť, riadiacu časť a tiež senzory, ktoré strážia teplotu vody pre závlahy.
Najčastejšie na produkciu zeleniny, ktorá potrebuje neustálu závlahu. Pod pivoty jednoducho nainštalujeme senzory, pridáme meteostanicu a prípadne doplníme aj o dáta obsahu vody v plodinách. Následne odporúčame, kedy, kde a s akou intenzitou zavlažovať.
By implementing CleverIrrigation into existing or new irrigation systems you are able to set irrigation plans based on real-time condition and irrigate optimized way in all types of irrigation such as drip irrigation, pivot irrigation or sprinklers.